What it’s like to work with me

“Through Jessica's support, I was able to find myself and live the life that I was meant for. Jessica is unique and different from other therapists/coaches in that she knows how to unite the body, mind, and spirit. I truly feel safe, secure, and at peace in myself after working with Jessica. Jessica's coaching allowed me to break free from the weight holding me back and freed me to live the authentic life I deserve!”

woman with red hair

- Emily J. ★★★★★

“Jessica has been an invaluable source of encouragement, feedback, and love as I struggled to build my confidence to actually let in something nurturing and life giving for me!! … Jessica helped me experience these breakthroughs to love and trust ME. She knows how to hold space for others and how to help others transform at their own pace.”

woman riding a horse

- Jenna J. ★★★★★

“Yes, I absolutely would recommend Jessica. She will help you feel safe even if you have never felt safe before. She'll never give up on you even if you're quietly hoping she will. She will scream with you, laugh with you, whatever you need. She is highly intuitive and she knows you are too because she attracts people that are like her. Trust yourself and let her be your guide.”

woman with blond hair

- Sandy M. ★★★★★

woman with curly blond hair and blue eyes, smiling

My coaching story

Years ago, I was going through some big life transitions and feeling really anxious and down on myself. I was recently divorced and learning to navigate the challenges of being a single parent. I had also reached a level of success in my business that I'd worked so hard to achieve, yet I remember thinking, "Why am I not happier? I should be so proud and excited."

But I wasn't.

I just didn't feel satisfied.

It was like something was missing inside of me and I was hurting all the time.

So, I went to a therapist. Then another therapist. Then another.

After a year of this, I realized therapy wasn't what I needed. So, I started searching and asking around. Through a friend, I found a really awesome life coach, one that I could finally trust to help me. She helped me see how much I was settling in all areas of my life. The few months I worked with her was like a complete reshaping and recalibration of my life. I had no idea how powerful life coaching could be. It was something I never would have considered and I know it was divine synchronicity that I was introduced to it. I grew so much through that coaching journey. The best outcome of it all was how much I anchored in a deep self-confidence and trust in myself.

That experience truly laid the foundation for me to step into my full authentic leadership. As a result, everything in my life got better. In addition to massive personal growth, I was finally able to get to the root of my anxiety and move past a lot of unhealthy strategies that were causing it.

I launched my coaching business and I started saying "YES" to everything that helped me grow. My relationship with my friends, family, and my children improved. Most importantly through it all, I started to really love and appreciate my life and ME!

My life is fuller and more abundant than it's ever been since taking that step to get coached and step into my power. All of this came out of making that choice to invest in myself and say "YES" to me.

Had I not chosen to do my work, I would not be here waiting to help you do the same. Your life is waiting for you. Nobody else is gonna fix or save you. Only you can. You are so worth it. You came to this planet to share your gifts and light.

My certifications:

Master Level Certification as an informed trauma coach; training in many modalities such as Somatic Release, Internal Family Systems, Inner Child work (parts work), Trauma Release, Attachment Theory, NLP, Non-Violent Communication, Breathwork, Masculine Feminine Dynamics, and many more

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⬥ Certified Breathwork Facilitator
⬥ Master Licensed Bodyworker
⬥ Consciousness Teacher
⬥ Movement Teacher
⬥ Master Healer and Intuitive Guide
⬥ 20+ years of experience

But more than that, I know what you’re going through. You are not alone.

woman with blond hair, playfully posing inside a sequoia tree
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Mother, dreamer, empath, yogi, entrepreneur…

When I’m not helping my clients find their magic, I love traveling, hiking, yoga, and snuggling with my wonderful partner, kids, and dog. I enjoy witnessing the sunset over the water and watching the butterflies visit my backyard garden.

Professionally, I’m also the owner of The Austin Healing and Myofascial Release Center. I am a Founding Member of Mama Wears Pants, a diverse community for bold, authentic mothers. I proudly support UNICEF and my local Central Texas Food Bank.

Your life and dreams matter

Coaching with me provides a safe space for you to heal, grow, and live your dreams. I look forward to working with you and helping you live the life that's waiting for you!